Tuesday, October 25, 2011

Whiny Mondays

As of yesterday, we have a new statute in this room... Whiny Mondays. Why? Because Mondays just suck. A lot. Every Monday we now have complete justification in whining our asses off and complaining endlessly about our sucky-ass lives and our never ending white girl problems. Basically, one-seventh of our lives is the terrible mess we call Monday and in order to make up for this fact, we have resorted to complaining and tantrum throwing.
List of shit to whine about:
1. not getting shit done
2. being fat
3. not wanting to go to the gym
4. having too much homework
5. wanting to go to the gym but having too much homework
6. having endless white girl problems
7. being tired
8. not being tired and being unable to fall asleep
9. being hungry ALL THE TIME
10. being sore from time spent at gym
11. being sad that we feel the need for social points
12. not wanting to move. ever. (we call this lazy as fuck syndrome)
13. being in pain all the time. thats what we get for attempting to stay in shape.
14. having no social lives
15. showering or the lack thereof
16. anything that is slightly inconvenient - having to jump out of bed for the remote, having to walk all the way to the bathroom, not being able to change the channel from your position in the room (we have severe cases of lazy as fuck syndrome obviously)

Mondays suck. But being able to complain about them makes them a bit less awful. Yay for ranting!

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