Tuesday, October 25, 2011

'Had to be a lesbian, couldn't be a bacon lover. "

There are few things that we hold scared in this life, and the most holy of all is bacon. God's gift to mankind.  So naturally, when we saw this girl, we thought she was one of us. A full fledged bacon lover.
This girl is not a bacon lover. Nor does she like sausage. According to Urban Dictionary, this girls is a full on lesbian. The emoticon ({}), which naturally we thought was bacon, is actually the emoticon for vagina. Or hug, depending on which way you look at it.  Anyway, the button on this chick's backpack reads "I [heart] Vagina" and we could not be more shocked. 

If you're going to love bacon and you're going to put your love for it on  your backpack, we are more than all for that. In fact, we would encourage it. The more bacon lovers, the better.  But if you are going to confuse bacon lovers the world over with a sign that looks eerily like a vagina from a particular angle, we'd rather you didn't. In fact, we'd rather you leave any relation between our favorite food and your favorite... body part alone. 

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