Sunday, December 11, 2011

Packing Drinking Game

So here's the deal. We hate to pack. And recently our lives have been consumed by packing and going and coming and forgetting things and making lists and overall a severe discontent with the fact that we are required by our schools and our families to move our shit around so much. We are girls and thus require a lot of stuff in our lives/on our persons so going home for the weekend much less for a whole month requires a caravan and a half in order to sufficiently take everything with us. And we hate getting that amount of shit together so we have come with an idea to help us get through the process.

Packing Drinking Game. You make a list of all the things you need to pack and take a shot after you have packed ten to fifteen items on your list (depending on how hammered you intend on becoming). It's brilliant and gives us incentive to want to pack.

"So i was thinking in the bathroom. Cuz that's what I do. All day. Everyday.".... You are witnessing evolution ladies and gents.

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