Sunday, December 4, 2011

*Touchdown Pose* GAHHHH!!!

If you're here to read a blog about football just leave this page now because what you are getting right here right now is a rant from a girl who is fucking pissed at the stupid as fuck people that inhabit my immediate circle of acquaintances. REALLY?!??!?!?!?!? REALLY. GAAAHHHHH!!! Why is there so much shit that is not together? How come it is that there are so many people who are stupid and thrust their dumbass-ness upon me? Why must you fuck with my steady, down-to-earth demeanor?! Huh?!? Do you enjoy fucking my chill-as-fuck swag, homie?!

So get this. There is this guy, let's call him Frederic. And Frederic is a dumbass. You know why? Because Frederic doesn't know how to make a move. You think you're headed somewhere, I mean, you text and hangout and then.... nothing. REALLY??! I never thought I would be the girl with guy problems and here I am, getting pissed off about stupid boys who can't get their act together. Frederic, please get your shit together and call me when you do. In the meantime, don't unload your shit into my life and leave me frustrated and frankly as pissed as a pregnant woman without her morning tub of ice cream. No one wants to see that. Shits ugly. And so is my life right now when all of your shit is all up in my grill. Why the hell are you so stupid?! Don't make me be the one to fix that shit. Get your act together and grow a pair because until that time, don't count on us making progress in any form of togetherness that looked somewhat feasible. You may want it but you just can't have it until you get your shit together. I am so frustrated right now. Like Harry Potter when he found out he wasn't the most popular kid in school. AND THAT'S A LOT OF ANGST. Don't make me put my foot in your ass, you stupid, dumbass mother effer. The reasons for me liking you are becoming more and more muddled in my mind and frankly I don't know if I do anymore. You fucked up big time. You have a lot of work to do if you plan on salvaging this situation. Get crackin, shithead.

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