Sunday, November 13, 2011

Why the eff are we so photogenic?

So we have a problem. A serious white girl problem. We are way too freakin photogenic. Red hot, spicy, goddamn-look-at-that-girl, sex-on-a-stick, do-me-now-please photogenic. And admittedly, this quality is multifaceted. On one hand we sometimes cannot handle our awesomeness and our bodies shut down from overexposure to our own awesomeness. But on the other hand, it has gotten us into some pretty good times. Let us now recall last night.

Semi-formal. An event in which a girl in a sorority typically invites a boy to accompany her to a large room in which there are colored lights, loud music, and a water station. In said room, people are expected to mingle and move awkwardly to previously mentioned music in the hopes of enjoying oneself and in special situations seducing the opposite sex.

And this is where we come in. Emily and Liz version:
Semi-formal. An event in which a girl in a sorority (Liz) invites her roommate (Emily) to accompany her to a country club in which there is a lame ass dance party and cones for cups. Fuck mingling and fuck moving awkwardly, we dance our fucking asses off and request songs like nobody's business (Baby Got Back, 99 Problems, and Yeah! to name a few). By the end of the evening (or by the time we left), we basically owned that place. First off, we had followers. Being some of the first people there, we started off the dance party right and displayed our kickass moves in the front and center of the dance floor. Not only did we have followers within minutes, but they traveled with us like fucking groupies. We moved to a new location, and they followed. Secondly, the DJ had a nickname for us ("Dancing Girls"... duh). And on one special occasion (when he played 99 Problems) he came up and video taped us rapping the shit outta that song. Finally, we kicked up our street cred. The black kids in the room definitely took note of our intense rapping skills and when it was the two of us and them enjoying some straight-up-legit songs, you know its real.

What have we learned from all of this?
We now need to start our own DJ-ing business. Ideas for the name for the company are still in the works (some ideas are Moxie Turnpike or Cederic Diggory's Left Nipple) but the basis for this idea is solid.
1. We like to have a good time.
2. We have awesome taste in music.
3. We have sweet as fuck dance moves.
4. We know what music people want to listen to when they're wasted out of their mind.
5. We make the best playlists ever.
6. We're basically the coolest people you'll ever meet.
So keep your ears peeled for a hot new DJ company with two crazy chicks playing music in central MO. Shit's getting real.

Semi-formal was so much of a success. Boys are stupid, so thank god they weren't around to mess up our awesome evening (no offense but we hate to babysit you kids). The power of the bifecta prevails once again!

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