Thursday, November 3, 2011

Adventures with Emily and Liz: Basketball


so basketball has come into our lives suddenly and somewhat unexpectedly. at first we didn't know how to respond. we asked ourselves "what is this shit?" "what does it want to do with us?" "why did this happen to us?" "how can we make this madness stop?"... but then we thought - HOLY FUCK BASKETBALL!

you are now reading from two girls who are embracing the epicness that is college basketball and riding the wave. that's right. two highly unmotivated non-sports-loving girls turned fanatic. shit just got real. I welcome you to this alternate universe. so the first step in this endeavor was to get the tickets and sign up for the student cheering section. check and check. next was to actually attend said event. which brings us to last night...

we arrive at the courts and take a seat behind one of the nets in the student section.. pom-poms in tow of course. unfortunately for liz, she is seated next to some creepy-as-fuck kid who obviously loves basketball but is so weird that he has no friends and thus no one to attend his favorite event with. we came to find out why. he's a screamer. not like in bed you fucking perverts (although as much is yet to be proven so who knows. ill let you test out that theory). randomly throughout the game he would shout out random ass shit, obviously trying to impress with his vast knowledge of the game. we have now come to the segment we like to call "REALLY?! with Emily and Liz" (SNL for all of you Seth Meyers fans)...

REALLY?! you come to a game by YOURSELF and still have the nerve to shout random ass shit out into the world. you don't have friends. so why ostracize yourself more? you REALLY expect people to respond in a positive fashion to you screaming your atrocities into the mass of basketball fans? REALLY? everyone who has ever come across you is good by me. because they aren't your friends. sorry bud. you just don't do that shit.

we look forward to many more encounters with crazy basketball fans. also, we thoroughly enjoyed the random chants chanted throughout the game... some of which include:
1. "put it in the hole, just like last night"
2. "a tisket, a tasket, we want a frickin basket"
3. "raise your hands if you love basketball but don't know if you want to take your relationship further"
4. "tanning bed!"

Finally, we are in the process of coming up with saying for all of the players on the team:
1. We've got a fixin for Dixon
2. Troy Bolton (there is only one white guy on the team so this is what he gets) - Put the White Guy In!
3. Phil Pressey you can undress me
4. I got a need, I got a need for Green
the rest are still in the works.

Basically we fucking love basketball.

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